Luiz Mori Architecture
The architecture office Luiz Mori Neto, which has as its owner the architect Luiz Mori Neto, formed by PUC-PR in 1989 and with specialization in interior architecture at the polytechnic of Milan, was founded in 1993 and operates in the market since then projecting the most Various types of projects and design, among them, residences, residential and commercial buildings, interiors and hospitality.
The office aims to transform dreams of its customers into inhabited reality, from the design of a simple chair to whole buildings.

+55 41 32248803 | +55 41 32245622
+1 305 - 999 - 1117

Rua Presidente Farias, 248, 6 andar sala 64
Curitiba, Paraná. Brasil. CEP : 80020-290